Do Cardinals Use Birdhouses? Do Birdhouses Work?

do cardinals use nesting boxes

The Northern Cardinal, sometimes known as the redbird, is a songbird native to North America. It can be found in gardens, parks, woodlands, and even backyards throughout the year. People enjoy having these lovely birds around as they bring a lot of color and brightness wherever they go. This is especially true during the cold winter when most birds move to warmer regions. Cardinals choose to stay despite the rough weather.

As cardinal lovers, sometimes we wonder “Do cardinals use birdhouses?” No, sadly they don’t. But there are some tricky ways to attract them to your birdhouse, and I’ll be discussing that in this article. Cardinals do not use birdhouses or any other type of enclosure that is human made. They like to build their nests in secured locations such as trees, bushes, or shrubs. They prefer densely forested areas with bushes. They’ll make their nests in the forks of trees or well-protected shrubs. Like the other creatures on earth, they follow this method to protect themselves from the hunters or predators. They typically nest just above the ground but may also build their nests 5 to 15 feet higher from the ground. A cardinal will almost never use a birdhouse for nesting. Generally, they don’t feel safe or comfortable building their nests in birdhouses.

What are the nesting habits of cardinals?

The Cardinal, also known as the Northern Cardinal, has a distinct red plumage, crest on the head and a thick bill. They are found in woodlands, gardens and parks, and are year-round residents throughout much of their range. Cardinals build their nests in a variety of sites, including thickets, bushes, and trees that are close to the ground. They typically build their nests using twigs, grasses, and other materials that they find in their environment.

nesting habits of cardinal birds

The female typically builds the nest, which can take several days to complete. Cardinals build a shallow cup nest using twigs, grasses, and plant material and line it with fine grasses, rootlets, and hair. They exhibit high selectivity in choosing a nesting site and prefer well-concealed locations with dense foliage and a clear view of their surroundings. They will also avoid nesting sites that are too close to human activity or other sources of disturbance.

It’s important to note that cardinals will not use birdhouses for nesting, but they will prefer the nesting houses which are not enclosed and  they prefer natural nesting sites such as thickets, bushes, and trees close to the ground. By providing natural nesting sites, you can attract cardinals to your backyard and observe their nesting habits.

How can you build a cardinal Birdhouse?

Building a birdhouse that is attractive to cardinals is relatively easy. By following these steps, you can create a birdhouse that is attractive to cardinals and provides a safe and comfortable nesting site for them.

Note that while birdhouses may attract cardinals, they are not guaranteed to use them, as they prefer natural nesting sites.

But we will discuss some steps which can help you to follow and build their desired birdhouses, lets see:

free cardinal birdhouse plans

1. Choose the right materials: Use cedar or redwood for the birdhouse as they are naturally rot-resistant. Avoid using pressure-treated wood as it can be toxic to birds.

2. Pick the right size: Cardinals prefer birdhouses that are around 6-8 inches wide and 8-12 inches tall, so make sure that your birdhouse falls within that size range.

3. Make the entrance hole: Cardinals prefer an entrance hole that is around 1 1/2 inches in diameter. This size is large enough for cardinals to enter but small enough to keep out larger birds and predators.

4. Add a perch: Cardinals like to have a perch outside of the birdhouse, so make sure to include one on the front of the house.

5. Consider the location: Place the birdhouse in a well-concealed spot with dense foliage, such as thickets or bushes, and a good view of their surroundings. Avoid placing the birdhouse in an open area or in a location that gets a lot of human activity.

6. Clean and maintain the birdhouse: Clean out the birdhouse at the end of each breeding season and make any necessary repairs.

Read: Do Cardinals Abandon Their Babies And Eggs?

What role should play to attract cardinals to nest boxes?

Nest boxes, also known as birdhouses, can play an important role in attracting cardinals to an area. Cardinals are rarely known to use nest boxes, but they also have a preference for natural nesting sites. Nest boxes can provide a safe and comfortable location for cardinals to nest, particularly in areas where natural nesting sites are rare.

what color birdhouse attracts cardinals

When building a nest box for cardinals, it’s important to use the appropriate materials and design. Nest boxes should be made from rot-resistant wood such as cedar or redwood and painted with a non-toxic paint. The entrance hole should be 1 1/2 inches in diameter and the interior of the box should be at least 8 inches deep. A perch should be provided outside of the entrance hole.

It’s also important to place the nest box in an appropriate location. Place nest boxes in a well-concealed spot with dense foliage, such as thickets or bushes, and ensure they have a good view of their surroundings. Position the boxes at a height of 4-6 feet off the ground. In summary, Nest boxes can play an important role in attracting cardinals, providing a safe and comfortable location for them to nest and raise their young, particularly in areas where natural nesting sites are scarce.

Most importantly, what is the best way to attract practically any kind of animal or bird? Yes, it is food. The best way to entice them into your nest boxes is to keep cardinal food in the birdbox. They love to eat sunflower hearts, safflower seeds, and many insects. Put these foods on a regular basis in the box, it may do a great job of convincing them to make a nest in the box.

Additionally, don’t forget to color the bird box; cardinals are naturally attracted to red, yellow, blue, and pink. Any of these colors will be effective for attracting birds to your newly built nest box.


  • What Materials Should Be Used to Build a Cardinal-friendly Birdhouse?

    Nest boxes should be made from rot-resistant wood such as cedar or redwood and painted with a non-toxic paint.

  • How Deep Should The Interior of The Nest Box Be?

    The interior of the nest box should be at least 8 inches deep.


In conclusion, the use of nest boxes, or birdhouses, can play an important role in enhancing the habitat of cardinals. As we have discussed, cardinals are known to use nest boxes, but they also have a preference for natural nesting sites. It is important to clean and maintain the nest box, cleaning it out at the end of each breeding season and making any necessary repairs. By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of attracting cardinals to your birdhouse, and ultimately enhance the habitat for these beautiful birds.

Kazi Rifat

Kazi Rifat is the Editor & Author at Birds Indeed, a blog dedicated to all things avian. With a passion for birds and a background in Computer Science, Kazi brings a unique perspective to the world of bird watching and conservation. Follow along on his feathery adventures and learn something new every day.

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